1. First post the words somewhere that all the kiddos can see them. Then assign someone to be the "teacher/Partner A" and someone to be the "student/Partner B". Next have the "Partner B's" get whiteboards, expo markers, an eraser, and then bring it back to the floor.
2. Then the "Partner B" should sit with their backs to the words and have the whiteboards in their laps. Next "Partner A" should read a word (in their head)- from wherever you posted them - and quietly draw one letter at a time on the "Partner B's" back. {You should model the correct amount of force to use when drawing and how to use the TIP of their finger and NOT their finger nail......let's just say we learned that one the hard way!!}
3. As Partner A draws a letter then Partner B should be writing it on the board. I ask Partner A to draw the letters large, to go slowly-one letter at a time, and to NOT move on to the next letter until Partner B has written the correct letter on their board.
****To make this game more difficult take the board away and see if the kiddos can track the letters in their mind and then say the word.
Short and sweet tonight! I hope you can use this in your room!
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