So for years I did whole group lessons on the floor and continually wrote and rewrote word problems on chart paper. Last year I figured out that I didn't have to continue to do all that writing. My quick tip for writing your math charts is to STOP rewriting word problems (or any problems for that matter) and save paper!! Here's all you have to do:
1. Write a problem.
2. Work through the problem together/with partners/etc.
3. Use repositional glue sticks to glue bright color paper onto the chart in order to model how to show your thinking or draw a quick pic.
4. Use post it notes to cover only the numbers in the problem.
5. Write new numbers on the post its.
6. Viola! A whole new math problem in seconds!!
While I am on the subject of math, here is a great product from my store. It is a set of 24 task cards with a Scoot Game, Mess Game, and a Game show option. There is a choice of task cards with picture clues or without included in the download. I have sets for 2 CCSS so far with more on the way!
Click Math Task Cards for 1.OA.1 to get a set!
Click Math Task Cards for 1.OA.2 to get this set!
I hope my quick tip can save you some teaching time during your math lessons! I would love to hear any tips you may have for math charts. Leave em if ya' got em below!
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