Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gingerbread Unit

My Gingerbread unit is under full swing.  Right now we are comparing several different gingerbread stories.  We have made a huge gingerbread story map and hung it in the hallway to keep track of our thinking. The kids love coming out to the "house" to write on the wall. (Not to mention it is really helpful for my PT/ OT kiddos who need to build some more strength in their arm/hand muscles!) I will post a picture of it tomorrow.  This year I bought "A Yummy Batch of Gingerbread Math" by Caitlin (Kindergarten Smiles) on TpT.  It went along PERFECTLY with my literacy unit!  Thanks Caitlin.
You can take a peek at her unit here: Yummy Batch of Gingerbread Math

I also found a new way to make gingerbread houses this year.  Instead of saving ,cleaning, and taping together all those milk cartons, I am going to use square Rice Krispie treats!  I found the idea on Pinteret and immediately thought, "Yay!!! We can eat the whole thing!" They will LOVE it I am sure.
How cute are they????? I am so excited!


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